fredag 12 mars 2010

Face Stockholm

Tur för mig som gillar Face Stockholms produkter, så finns det flera butiker i N.Y. Nu har deras Spring Collection 2010 lanserats.
Jag har haft förmånen att arbeta med Gun Nowak. Numera springer vi på varandra ibland på Newarks flygplats. Då har hon varit i sitt fina hus Upstate New York där dottern Martina också bor med sin familj.
Born in a small village in the Swedish countryside, founder Gun Nowak always had plans to travel the world. She owned three of the hippest fashion boutiques in Sweden in the 70's and 80's, but grew tired of not being able to find makeup to match the crazy neon fashions of that time. "I didn't set out to do a makeup business per se," says Nowak, "But then I couldn't find colors anywhere and I was into crazy makeup! I saw the opportunity. I wanted all the colors!"

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